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We want you to know how important your oral health is. Sure, we love seeing you every six months, but in reality that is the recommended amount of time that you should go between cleanings anyways. We also know how important it is to have a patient and give them proper treatment when they need it.

    Office Location

    Here are two locations you can choose from at your own convenience.

    Colorado Spring

    281o S. Academy Blvd. Suite#130
    Colorado Springs, CO 80916
    tel. (719) 418-2456


    Mon-Wed: 8am-5pm
    Thursday: Closed
    Friday: 8am-5pm
    Weekend: Closed


    701 N. Grand Ave. Suite#B
    Pueblo, CO 81003
    tel. (719) 924-9879


    Mon-Thurs: 8:30am-4:30pm
    Friday: Closed
    Weekend: Closed